When everyone is media, no one is

Scripting News: 2/2/2005
Dave writes:
When everyone is media, no one is 
1. Everything these days is media.
2. All media is technology and vice versa. The convergence everyone was buzzing about in the early 90s has happened. It’s behind us. There is no separation between media and technology.

I disagree:
The telephone company isn’t media now and people who call each other aren’t producing media (although an argument can be made). Perhaps he is just arguing an extreme.


Wired News: MoSoSos Not So So-So
Nice Wired News story about MoSoSos: “MoSoSos are the mobile equivalents of online social networks like Friendster and LinkedIn. They help users find old friends, or potential new ones, on the go.”
“Currently rolled out in 22 U.S. cities, and with about 15,000 users, dodgeball is the American MoSoSo standard-bearer.”
Way to go Alex and Dens..

Forget about Free Speech

Dan Gillmor on Grassroots Journalism, Etc.: The Gathering Storms Over Speech
Dan gives an overview of how Apple, recent legislation and politicians under corporate influence are doing everything and anything to take away our Freedom of Speech rights.
From the article:
We’re moving toward a system under which only the folks who are deemed to be professionals will be granted the status of journalists, and thereby more rights than the rest of us. This is pernicious in every way.

ZeD – Open Source Television

ZeD – Open Source Television

A very interesting television project being done by the CBC. Damn, I wish television in the US was as risk taking as it is in Canada and the UK.
From the site:
CBC Television’s late-night TV project, ZeD. ZeD is a launch pad for ideas, individuals and creative expression. It’s a blend of short films, micro-cinema, experimental works, performances by bands, poets, comics and choreographers, and – always – contributions from the audience.