Announcing: Android Media Developers

I decided it was high time that we had a listserv just for Android developers working with media (audio, video, images, sharing, streaming, capture and so on) so I created a Google Group:

In addition, it will serve as a good place where folks reading Pro Android Media can come to ask questions, get support and so on.

MoMA – Android Market

Love the new web based Android market.  It took Google quite a while to get it going but it’s there now.  Unfortunately, it means that the sites that popped up to fill the void, some of them with some really great ideas (AppBrain and the like) now face more of an uphill battle.

Now for a bit of self promotion:  Here is the MoMA App (that I helped develop) in the Android Market.

AnDevCon Workshop

I’ll be teaching a workshop at AnDeCon in March:

Developing Media Applications on Android
Learn how to harness the Android’s media capture and playback capabilities in your applications. In this class, we will examine Android’s capabilities for developing applications that utilize the camera and microphone for photo capture and manipulation, sound recording, processing and audio synthesis as well as video capture. We’ll work our way through several example applications that utilize and illuminate these capabilities.
In particular we’ll develop a custom camera application and extend to automatically create double exposures. We’ll create a an audio capture and playback application that allows us interactively to scrub through recordings. Finally we’ll create a video capture example and learn about how we can extend it adding effects such as solarization to the output.
This hands-on workshop is suited for those with some previous Android development experience. Please come to the workshop with a laptop running Eclipse and the latest Android SDK. It would be helpful to have an Android handset that can be used for development as well (don’t forget your USB cable).

Open for Business

Walking Productions provides software development and consulting services. Appealing projects are those that deal with online and mobile media (audio/video). Get in touch:

Android Application Development
Flash Video Players, including P2P (Adobe Stratus)
Wowza Media Server Plugin/Module Development
Flash Media Server Development
Development related to Axis IP Cameras
QuickTime/Darwin Streaming Solutions
Audio and Video Encoding/Transcoding Pipelines
iPhone Application Development
JME/J2ME Application Development
Asterisk and VoIP Application Development
Phone call to streaming applications
Voicemail to Blog/CMS
Podcasting Systems
Mobile and Microblogging Solutions
SMS Campaign Management Software
2 Screen Interactive Television Applications (Enhanced TV)
EBIF iTV Application Development
HTML 5 Video Player Development
Media Asset Management Systems
AJAX/JavaScript/DHTML Development
LAMP Application Development (Linux, MySQL, PHP)
Java Desktop Application Development
Mobile Video Capture, Sharing and Playback Applications
Live Mobile Video Streaming
Computer Vision Applications in Java and Flash
Flash Video Capture
Location Aware Mobile Applications
Video Indexing, Searching, Recommendation Engine and Presentation Systems
Network Controlled Devices
WordPress and Drupal Plugin/Module Development
Flash Lite Application Development
AIR/ActionScript 3 Application Development
WebService Integration and Development (XML-RPC, SOAP, REST)
Podcasting (Audio/Video) Solutions
MP3 Streaming Servers
MMS Gateway Solutions
Java and AJAX Chat Application Development
Interactive Whiteboard Applications

Flash Media Server Sending Images

One of my students in my live web class is developing an interesting application that sends screenshots to other people. I put together some sample code to help him along and thought this would be of general interest.

Using the Flash Media Server with Remote Shared Objects this can be built. Here is a walk through of the code:

First of all, this uses the JPGEncoder class from the AS3CoreLib so you probably want to grab that and import it.

	import com.adobe.images.JPGEncoder;

This example uses a SharedObject, a NetConnection and NetStreams for sending the video as well as the screen shots. Once the NetConnection is established, the SharedObject can be setup:

        // Listener for connection
        private function connectionHandler (e:NetStatusEvent):void 
        	// If we are connected
             if ( == "NetConnection.Connect.Success") 
				// Set up the shared object
				// We'll call it SimpleSO, pass in the app url and not make it persistent
				sharedObject = SharedObject.getRemote("SimpleSO",nc.uri,false);
				// Tell the shared object to call methods in this class if requested
				sharedObject.client = this;				
				// Add a listener for when shared object is changed
			   	sharedObject.addEventListener (SyncEvent.SYNC,syncEventCallBack); 

				// Connect the shared object to our netConnection
				// All of the video streaming setup
				// Register mouseclicks, how we'll determine when to send a frame
				stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, saveFrame);

Here is the method that is called when the mouse is clicked. It creates a bitmapdata object, encodes as a JPEG and sends that as a bytearray through the shared object:

        private function saveFrame(e:MouseEvent):void
        	// Save the frame to the bitmapdata object
        	var bmpd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(320,240);
        	// First encode as JPEG so it is smaller
			var jpgEncoder:JPGEncoder = new JPGEncoder(100);
			var jpgByteArray:ByteArray = jpgEncoder.encode(bmpd);
			// Send it via the shared object

The SharedObject.send method calls the function “newBitmap” on everyone who is connected and passes in the jpgByteArray. The newBitmap function uses the Loader to uncompress the JPG and when it is done calls “gotBitmapData”:

		public function newBitmap(jpgByteArray:ByteArray):void
			var loader:Loader = new Loader();
			loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, gotBitmapData)

gotBitmap data just creates a regular Bitmap and displays it:

	private function gotBitmapData(e:Event):void
		var decodedBitmapData:BitmapData = Bitmap(

        	// Create the bitmap image
        	var bmp:Bitmap = new Bitmap(decodedBitmapData);
        	// Add it to the stage
        	bmp.x = 0;
        	bmp.y = 240;

Here is the full AS3 class (it could be improved but it works):

	// Import JPEGEncoder Class from:
	import com.adobe.images.JPGEncoder;

	import flash.display.Sprite; 
	import flash.display.MovieClip; 
	import flash.display.Bitmap;
	import flash.display.BitmapData;
	import flash.utils.ByteArray;
	import flash.display.Loader;

	public class VideoCapture extends Sprite
		// Shared Object for communication
   		private var sharedObject:SharedObject;

 		// Overall NetConnection for communicating with FMS
        private var nc:NetConnection; 
        // RTMP URL, same as directory on FMS
        private var rtmpURL:String = "rtmp://xxxx/webcam";
        // NetStreams for each stream 
        private var netStreamOut:NetStream; 
        private var netStreamIn1:NetStream; 
        // Camera
        private var camera:Camera; 
        // Microphone
        private var microphone:Microphone; 
        // My Video
        private var videoOut:Video; 
        // Video Components
        private var videoIn1:Video; 
        // Stream Names
        private var outStream:String; 
        private var inStream1:String; 

        public function VideoCapture() 
        	// Construct NetConnection and connect to server
             nc = new NetConnection(); 
             // Add a listener for connection
             nc.addEventListener (NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,connectionHandler); 
        // Listener for connection
        private function connectionHandler (e:NetStatusEvent):void 
        	// If we are connected
             if ( == "NetConnection.Connect.Success") 

				// Set up the shared object
				// We'll call it SimpleSO, pass in the app url and not make it persistent
				sharedObject = SharedObject.getRemote("SimpleSO",nc.uri,false);
				// Tell the shared object to call methods in this class if requested
				sharedObject.client = this;				
				// Connect the shared object to our netConnection
				// All of the video streaming
				// Register mouseclicks, how we'll determine when to send a frame
				stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, saveFrame);
        // Gets the results from the server
        private function doEverything():void 
        	// Name of streams
			// Setup the camera        
			camera = Camera.getCamera(); 

			// setup the microphone             
			microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone(); 

			// Video components
			videoOut = new Video(); 
    		videoIn1 = new Video();

			// Set positions 
			videoOut.x = 0;
			videoOut.y = 0;
			videoIn1.x = 320;
			videoIn1.y = 0;

			// Add them to the screen

            // Publish our stream
            netStreamOut = new NetStream(nc); 
            netStreamOut.publish(outStream, "live"); 
            // Attach camera to our video 
            //Play incoming streamed video 
            netStreamIn1 = new NetStream(nc); 

        private function saveFrame(e:MouseEvent):void
        	// Save the frame to the bitmapdata object
        	var bmpd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(320,240);
        	// First encode as JPEG so it is smaller
			var jpgEncoder:JPGEncoder = new JPGEncoder(100);
			var jpgByteArray:ByteArray = jpgEncoder.encode(bmpd);
			// Send it via the shared object
		public function newBitmap(jpgByteArray:ByteArray):void
			var loader:Loader = new Loader();
			loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, gotBitmapData)
		private function gotBitmapData(e:Event):void
			var decodedBitmapData:BitmapData = Bitmap(

        	// Create the bitmap image
        	var bmp:Bitmap = new Bitmap(decodedBitmapData);
        	// Add it to the stage
        	bmp.x = 0;
        	bmp.y = 240;

JavaScript Serial Applet

A couple of weeks ago I put together a process for allowing access to a hardware serial port from JavaScript. I thought I would point to the documentation page here and allow the comments section of this post to be a place where questions could be answered and so on.

Without further ado, here it is:
JavaScript Serial

Update: I can no longer maintain or provide any kind of support on this software.

Mobile Art && Code

I am here at CMU in Pittsburgh at a conference called Mobile Art && Code. Great talks, great workshops, glad I came.

I am doing a workshop called Interactive Telephony for New Media Arts, here is the full set of notes.

One thing that I did for the workshop is a put together an Asterisk driven webservice in PHP for getting at live phone call data. If you have been working projects that get information from asterisk or use phone calls to control other applications, it might be worth checking out.

PHP AGI Script:

#!/usr/bin/php -q

$agi = new AGI();

$return = $agi->wait_for_digit(10000);
while ($return['result'] > 0)
        $ascii = chr($return['result']);
        file_put_contents("/var/www/html/webservice/data.txt",time() . "," . $agi->request["agi_uniqueid"] . "," . $agi->request["agi_callerid"] . "," . $ascii . "\n",FILE_APPEND);
        $return = $agi->wait_for_digit(100000);

PHP Web Service Script:

	// The client will send a timestamp if it want's new stuff from the timestamp
	$timestamp = 0;
	if (isset($_GET['ts']))
		$timestamp = $_GET['ts'];

	$data = file_get_contents("data.txt");
	$dataarray = explode("\n",$data);
	if ($timestamp > 0)
		// Send everything from the timestamp forward
		for ($i = sizeof($dataarray) - 10; $i < sizeof($dataarray); $i++)
			$currentline = explode(",",$dataarray[$i]);
			if (sizeof($currentline) > 0)
				if ($currentline[0] > $timestamp)
		// Just send the last one
		if (sizeof($dataarray) > 1)

Processing Example

I should note that this was built very quickly and therefore somewhat buggy. I don’t think the Processing example is thread safe and the PHP should really be using a database.. Also, the Processing example is a riff off of something Dan Shiffman put together for getting Asterisk and Processing to talk through a Java server.

Mobile, 5 Years in the future

I was just interviewed for an upcoming book and one of the questions was:
Fast forward 5 years into the future, can you paint me picture of the mobile world?

Here is what I said:
I am going to beg out of this one and instead paint a picture of my utopia.

My mobile utopia 5 years from now:

Carriers have accepted the fact that they are too large and slow to beat the current crop of DIY wireless systems that are being built. They have realized that the cost of maintaining service such as the little used voice platform is not worthwhile when all that anyone cares about is the openness and speed of their internet connection. Besides, they are sick of battling the hackers who continually figure out how to bypass their restrictions and really sick of spending their lobbying money to battle Googlezon and the like over whether or not they have to carry 3rd party data without charge.

They have finally realized and accepted their place in the world as “dumb pipes”, wireless ISPs.

They have given up on locking down phones. Nobody will sign a 2 year contract anymore for a free phone that they can’t install any of the open source software on.

On the other side of the coin, Googlezon, DIYers, hackers and hipsters are developing and deploying game changing hardware and applications at a phenomenal pace.

A prolific open source community has introduced a kit based mobile phone with every feature imaginable and battery life that puts devices from 5 years ago to shame. Tourists are carrying around monstrous looking home built teleconferencing systems with them as they gawk at the Naked Cowboy in Time Square and talk with their relatives and friends back home.

Hipsters in Bushwick no longer carry laptops and projectors to their VJ gigs but rather bring their mobile projector enabled high-speed wireless video mixing system and no longer have to be hunched over a keyboard and mouse. They simply mingle with the crowd or dance until they drop with every movement being tracked by sensors programmed to project and mix particular clips or dynamically generated visuals.

I can’t think of anyone who uses a laptop computer anymore. Everyone seems to have adopted the projected keyboard and gesture controlled interfaces that are common on mobile devices now.

Data flows pretty seamlessly and just by pointing to a contact in the sky a voice, data or text channel is opened to that person.

Wow.. Things are different now that the networks have been broken..

(Perhaps we can dream..)

Java Media – It is sad but I don’t care anymore…

Rebooting Java Media, Part III: Conclusion – O’Reilly ONJava Blog

Chris Adamson has put together a nice 3 part series of posts that explore the state of media support in Java. Long has this been a point of frustration for me and many of my colleagues (we tend to use QuickTime for Java but that is changing). I have been constantly on the look-out for a solution but one hasn’t been forthcoming. After reading Chris’ wrap-up, I have reached many of the same conclusions but I have a slightly different idea that I would like to propose.

Here are a couple of points that bring me to my conclusion:
1: I am not interested in Flash beyond what it can do with video. Flash does not have a desktop playback interface and it is not easy (as far as I know) to make a desktop app out of it. It is also seriously hindered without a plugin interface or the ability to playback other formats/codecs.
2: AJAX is open, well supported and not proprietary for rich browser based interfaces. It is very successful and is pushing hard against Flash (if it weren’t for Flash Video, I think we would be witnessing Flash’s demise (at least in terms of interfaces)).

What is missing is a truly open video format and player with the features that we all expect (codecs, wide distribution, browser integration, a plugin interface) that we can use with AJAX. QuickTime isn’t this, Real isn’t this, Windows Media isn’t this, Flash isn’t this..

This is what I think is needed.. Forget about Java Media. The people we have relied on have failed us (Apple, Sun and IBM), we should give them an F and move on.

Am I dreaming..? Can the mozilla-vlc-plugin become this?

Rant and Roll – T-Mobile/WMV/3GP/MMS/Developers and more..

It has been one of those days, things just haven’t worked out..

I have a mobile video blog over at and a public one over at mobvcasting openvlog. Generally I use T-Mobile for service and Nokia phones for posting. At some point in the past month I was handed a very nice Nokia N93 that shoots great video. Unfortunately, within that same period of time, T-Mobile decided to implement an automatic conversion from the original format that these phones use to Windows Media. While this is not totally unreasonable (even though QuickTime plays 3gp and 3gpp files back just fine) I would have preferred that they didn’t do this (partially since I am a QuickTime fan, partially since I want the original files and partially because it broke all of my applications). What really gets me though is that T-Mobile just made this change without any kind of notification nor any means to contact people who know anything about it. On top of that, it seems that their site has disappeared which further dashes any hopes that I had of contacting responsible engineers.

All right.. Enought of that..


I put up a quick quality comparison between the original from the camera and the re-encoded version I get from T-Mobile via email. You can see it on my mobvcasting vlog.