TiVo to your friends favs

RSSTV: Syndication for your PVR
From the site:
We propose to share program information by building on existing syndication infrastructure. Specifically, we’ll add a number of namespaced elements as an extension to RSS. The value formats for these elements will be taken directly from XMLTV, a source of publically available program information.

Java, JNI, Firewire Camera Capture for MacOS

programs by A. Daerr

FWCamAkiz allows image sequence acquisition from a FireWire camera compatible with the IIDC standard, on an Apple computer running MacOS 10.1.5 or above. FWCamAkiz provides:
a Java Native Interface (JNI) library handling the camera

a Java class interfacing with this library

a plugin for the free image manipulation software ImageJ by Wayne Rasband which allows comfortable acquisition with multiple timing options from within ImageJ, live preview and color conversion from raw image data.

Bye monkey, you will be missed.

Wired News: Webmonkey, RIP: 1996 ñ 2004
From Wired News:
Launched in August 1996 as part of a fast-growing collection of websites funded by the original owners of Wired magazine, Webmonkey instantly became the surprise hit. Most of Wired’s sites offered the breathless cyber optimism and punditry the magazine was known for. As it turned out, online readers didn’t care for it. What they really wanted was: How do you build that Java-powered interface to your site?

Amazing collaborative text editor


From the site:
With SubEthaEdit you can. The idea of collaborative editing has been researched for years, with notable results. But now for the first time it has been implemented in a way you actually want to use: A sophisticated technique allows all users to type anywhere in the text without locking parts of the text for other users, making SubEthaEdit just as easy to use as a traditional text editor

About Jaron’s concept of phenotropics

4. In Praise of Diversity – Ideas 2003: Jaron Lanier On Software Design – CIO Magazine Jan 1,2003

“The thing I’m interested in now is a high-risk, speculative, fundamental new approach to computer science. I call it phenotropics,” says the 42-year-old Lanier. By pheno, he means the physical appearance of something, and by tropics, he means interaction. Lanier’s idea is to create a new way to tie two pieces of software together. He theorizes that two software objects should contact each other “like two objects in nature,” instead of through specific modules or predetermined points of contact. With this type of protocol, there would be no previous agreement or expectation regarding the character of the exchange. Each software object would be responsible for “learning” how to interact with the other.

Chris Adamason gets us started with JOGL

Jumping into JOGL

reference implementation of the Java/OpenGL binding is hosted on java.net as the JOGL project. This article will get you up and running with JOGL by describing:

How to download and provision the JOGL library files.

How to create a JOGL-powered AWT component that’s wired up to receive and respond to events such as size changes and repaint requests.

How to do 2D graphics in JOGL with simple graphic primitives and images.