The CoDeck is featured on Rhizome! Net Art News: Here’s Lookin’ at you, George!
Great news.. Good Job Ahmi and Ophra!

For readers that don’t know, the CoDeck is a collaborative project between myself, Ahmi Wolf, Dan Melinger and Mark Argo that allows a community of users to upload and share videos that they have created. It has a web interface for information about the works and for commenting on them. The most interesting part of it (IMHO) is that it takes the form of a vintage Betamax with a single board computer running linux and all the fixins. We utilized the controls on the deck to implement skipping to the next video (Fast Forward), watching the previous one (Rewind) and so on. You can also create a video response to any video that is currently playing by changing the channel and using the built in camera and microphone to create a response video right then and there.

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