Open Source Flash Communications Server in the works

Flash Ant: Flash and Rich Internet Applications (RIA) Blog . :: Echo, echo, echo… I think I hear Open Source Flash Communication Server!
What is Red5, you ask? It’s a project on OSFlash that aims to create an Open Source Flash Communication Server. The speed at which the project is progressing is quite astounding. An Open Source Flash Communication Server alternative appears to be mere months away

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Nokia 770 – Looking for hackers to create a “killer app”

Nokia 770 as mobile innovation platform
From the article:
The Nokia 770 web pad lacks a “killer app” to make it useful on a daily basis, writes blogger Russell Beattie. However, the device is much more open than previously available mobile devices, and as a result could serve as the development platform for mobile innovation, Beattie suggests.

Sample Chapters from “Developing Scalable Series 40 Applications: A Guide for Java Developers”

The Basics of the MMAPI for Java Developers
Looks pretty good and thorough. Chapters relating to the J2ME MMAPI, including an introduction, audio playback, other media playback, capture and a summary.