Independent news program, broadcasting everywhere

About Democracy Now!
From the site:
Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program airing on over 140 stations in North America.Pioneering the largest public media collaboration in the U.S., Democracy Now! is broadcast on Pacifica, community, and National Public Radio stations, public access cable television stations, satellite television (on Free Speech TV, channel 9415 of the DISH Network), shortwave radio and the internet.

The program is hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez and produced out of the Downtown Community Television Center, a community media center in New York City’s Chinatown (shown to the right).

ABC NoRio’s InterActivist Network

InterActivist Network

We seek to offer new, dissenting perspectives, and to disseminate information about news-worthy events often overlooked or misrepresented by mainstream media.

Though the issues we address will be specific to our community, our goal is to instigate both a national and international conversation concerning similar issues affecting other communities.

The InterActivist Network is a model for community action using new media and technology to invigorate notions of public dialogue; to inform current debates within our community, both local and global; and to motivate non-mediated communication between the general public and participants in news-worthy events.

Community art and activism

ABC No Rio | About

ABC No Rio is a collectively-run center for art and activism. We are known internationally as a venue for oppositional culture. ABC No Rio was founded in 1980 by artists committed to political and social engagement and we retain these values to the present.

We seek to facilitate cross-pollination between artists and activists. ABC No Rio is a place where people share resources and ideas to impact society, culture, and community. We believe that art and activism should be for everyone, not just the professionals, experts, and cognoscenti. Our dream is a cadres of actively aware artists and artfully aware activists.

Watch the MoveOn ad on CNN during the Superbowl Voter Fund
From the page:
Join the One-Minute Boycott of CBS
The CBS network still refuses to run our winning ad in the Bush in 30 Seconds ad contest during the Super Bowl. This Sunday, during the Super Bowl half time show, join us in changing channels on CBS. At 8:10pm and 8:35pm EST, switch over to CNN to watch “Child’s Pay” on a channel which doesn’t censor its ads. We’d like to keep a tally of the number of people who participate — just fill out the form below:

Open Source Idea’s, Defeat the patent system.

OpenBrick Community: Ideas

Not much here yet but a damn good idea.

Thanks again to Hans for the link.

From the site:
This section contains ideas published by OpenBrick users. Publishing and idea with some example of implementation allows to destroy the possibility of having that idea patented by others. Since we all have 10 ideas per week and since writing a patent takes 2 days, we will never have enough time to patent all our ideas. It would be very sad if someone else did and remove our possibility to use our own ideas. So, please publish your ideas here: this will make patents from Hitachi, IBM, etc. invalid.

The Danger of Software Patents

Thanks to Hans for the link:

Speech by Richard Stallman at Cambridge University,
25 March 2002

You might have been familiar with my work on free software. This
speech is not about that. This speech is about a way of misusing laws
to make software development a dangerous activity. This is about what
happens when patent law gets applied to the field of software.

It is not about patenting software. That is a very bad way, a
misleading way, to describe it, because it is not a matter of patenting
individual programs. If it were, it would make no difference, it would
be basically harmless. Instead, it is about patenting ideas. Every
patent covers some idea. Software patents are patents which cover
software ideas, ideas which you would use in developing software. That
is what makes them a dangerous obstacle to all software development.