Bug vision

Wired News: Bugs Taking Over Robot Guidance

“The principle is simply that, if the insect flies along a straight line, objects that are near it appear to whiz by much more rapidly in the eye than objects that are far away,” says Srinivasan. “Thus, the distance to an object can be inferred in terms of the velocity of its image in the eye — the greater the velocity, the nearer the object.”

Internet Radio Tuner

iMuse Electronics Home of the Internet Radio – iAPlayer
From the site:
iAPlayer connects to the Internet through your home network. It allows you to play your conventional and compressed music CDs (in MP3 and mp3PRO formats); can play back digital files stored on your PC and is specifically designed to connect to the Internet to stream digital music from a world of online sources: radio stations, music charts and more.

Video mixing gets packaged

Pioneer Electronics Announced New DVJ-X1

From the site:
Pioneer Electronics announced its new DVJ-X1 digital audio and video turntable, which allows users to manipulate and playback synchronized digital audio and video.

DJs will be able to use Pioneer’s new unit to manipulate DVD visuals in the same way as they would music. So real-time digital video scratches, loops and instant cues are all possible with the DVJ-X1, while the video and audio streams stay in sync, even when they’re being reversed and pitched. The DVJ-X1 brings together existing A/V technologies into a single unit that interfaces with currently available software and hardware.

Shake for light.. Tell me how it works..!

Forever Flashlight Home Page

From the site:
The Forever Flashlight uses the Faraday Principle of Electromagnetic Energy that guarantees replacement parts will never be needed!

Super bright Blue LED

Never needs batteries

Never needs bulbs


Floats in water

Great for cars, boats and campers and all emergency kits.
15-30 Seconds of shaking provides up to 5 minutes of
continuous bright light!

Extra tax deduction on equipment (including electronics..?)

Wired News: Incentive to Recycle Tech Gadgets

The tax break gives businesses an added 50 percent “bonus deduction” from a company’s profit for equipment purchased between last May 5 and the end of next year. The deduction, in a law signed by President Bush, is on top of the 30 percent first-year write-off that many businesses take on new equipment.