an unmediated reconference.

It’s no secret that the unmediated crew is working on a conference on decentralized, “bottom-up” media to be held in NYC, either on it’s own in October or in conjunction with Eric Rice’s Blogcast somehow. The idea is to do a three-day conference with tracks that mimic the five major categories of unmediated posts, with the sessions mostly decided by us.

Now I’m wondering if what it’d be like if we programmed the conference more like a reblog instead. Workshop and panel proposals could be submitted as posts to your own blogs that we’d receive via your RSS feeds. Or better yet, we can pull it from either the Technorati or tag ‘unmediated-conference’ and we’ll post it to unmediated. From there we could start to filter proposals by either allowing other people to comment on it or maybe select the most linked to posts.

Obivously I’m still thinking this one through. I’ll bring it up to the rest of the crew this weekend.