November 30, 2006


sLop (the blog you are reading) is retiring..

The archives should stay up indefinitely though so feel free to continue linking in if you like..

In the coming weeks, I should have something new up. Please stay tuned.

Posted by vanevery at 11:49 AM | TrackBack

May 29, 2006

Command Line QuickTime Goodness

qp: Command Line QuickTime Player



Posted by vanevery at 11:47 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

May 02, 2006

RXTX - Java on the Mac Serial - Install Issues

[Rxtx] Problem on Mac OS X

Posted by vanevery at 05:08 PM | TrackBack

April 19, 2006

ITP End of Year Events - Thesis Presentations and End of Semester Show

ITP Spring Show 2006
A two day exhibition of interactive sight, sound and physical objects from the student artists of ITP.

This event is free and open to the public. No need to RSVP.

ITP Thesis Presentations 2006
ITP's graduating students will be presenting a wide variety of highly creative and interactive projects that they have constructed over the course of their final project seminars.

Students have been encouraged to undertake projects that bring together the conceptual and design issues that they have engaged in during their two years of study at ITP.

Projects will include installation based work, digital video and audio pieces, interactive 3D, games and educational applications, to name only a few.

ITP will be providing a live webcast of all the thesis presentations.

Posted by vanevery at 02:41 AM | TrackBack

March 16, 2006

Windows XP on Mac

Windows XP on Mac solution posted - Engadget
Be interesting to see if someone does something with this commercially. For instance, Mac Warehouse selling dual boot Apple machines... Wonder what Apple would do?

Posted by vanevery at 04:13 PM | TrackBack

March 02, 2006

Eclipse, J2ME/MIDP 2, Mac OS X

Looks like suitable instructions for getting J2ME MIDP 2.0 development going on the Mac with Eclipse using the Mpowerplayer SDK.
This has been a long time in coming.. Let's hope it works..

Posted by vanevery at 08:09 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

February 02, 2006

Be the first to dual boot a Mac Book and get $6000

InformationWeek | Intel Mac Contest | First Dual-Boot On Intel Mac Contest Draws Crowd | January 25, 2006

Posted by vanevery at 10:57 PM | TrackBack

January 17, 2006

How Apple lost it's Web Video mojo, and how it could get it back

Epeus' epigone - Kevin Marks weblog
Kevin Marks, a former Apple QuickTime engineer details what happened at Apple to allow QuickTime to become a second class media player/format and how they now have a chance (thanks to podcasting and video ipods) to try again.

Let's hope the QuickTime team is listening.

Posted by vanevery at 01:08 PM | TrackBack

December 12, 2005

MPEG Conversion Software

Squared 5 - MPEG Streamclip for Mac OS X
Looks like a nice peice of freeware.
From the site:
High-quality converter for MPEG files, QuickTime and transport streams compatible with the new iPod!
You can use MPEG Streamclip to: open most movie formats including MPEG files or transport streams.

Posted by vanevery at 04:06 PM | TrackBack

December 10, 2005

Hacking OSX onto x86

How to Build an Intel Mac
Don't want to wait for the shiny new OSX/Intel boxes that will arrive next month (pure speculation that Apple will release one or two at MacWorld). Build your own!

Get more dirt here: OSx86 Project.

Posted by vanevery at 10:44 AM | TrackBack

December 08, 2005

Symbian Dev on OS X

Simon Woodside | HOWTO develop Symbian apps using Mac OS X

Posted by vanevery at 12:49 PM | TrackBack

December 05, 2005

Apple Rumored to be building Mini into a set-top-box

Think Secret - Road to Expo: Reborn Mac mini set to take over the living room
The living room is HOT!

From the site:
Apple's Mac mini will be reborn as the digital hub centerpiece it was originally conceived to be, Think Secret sources have disclosed. The new Mac mini project, code-named Kaleidoscope, will feature an Intel processor and include both Front Row 2.0 and TiVo-like DVR functionality.

is Apple's remote control and television like display functionality that they are currently building into iMac's.

Posted by vanevery at 02:38 AM | TrackBack

October 31, 2005

Understand the iPod iTunesDB

ITunesDB - wikiPodLinux
From the site:
This page details the format of the binary files used on the iPod to keep track of the music it contains as well as its play history. Collectively we refer to these files as the iTunesDB however there are in fact a number of files, each with their own format, that make up this database.

Posted by vanevery at 05:51 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

September 23, 2005

MPEG 2 to DV Conversion

DropDV: import mpeg into iMovie
From the site:
DropDV is a Mac OS X droplet which converts MPEG video into DV video streams. After conversion, your video can be edited with iMovie, Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, or any other DV video editing system.

Posted by vanevery at 03:05 PM | TrackBack

July 22, 2005

An old rumor that is gaining momentum.

business2blog: Scoop: Disney Considering Teaming Up with Apple on Video iPod
Which was first, the product or the rumor? I think perhaps Apple reads the rags for product ideas :-)

Posted by vanevery at 12:59 PM | TrackBack

July 18, 2005

Finally, iSync with my Nokia 7610

Litux Wiki : HowToAddDevicesToTigerIsync
The above URL, while somewhat opaque was the key.
Essentially, iSync wasn't working with my Nokia 7610 which it is supposed to. I recently upgraded to Mac OS Tiger which is purported to add support for this phone (and many others) but had no luck. iSync was saying that the device is unsupported.

After searching around and finding many blog entries which showed dismay over this vary subject I came upon the above Wiki entry.

Following it's instructions, I realized the problem, Nokia is identifying the phone as "Nokia 7610b" instead of "Nokia 7610" which is what iSync is expecting.

In order to find this out, I had to download ZTermZTerm (which I haven't used since 1996). Unfortunately, Z-Term was my last thought, after going through Fink and realizing that minicom just wouldn't work (actually, wouldn't install). And after pairing with the phone through the Bluetooth Setup Assistant I was able to connect to it as a modem and run the AT command "AT+CGMM" which returned "Nokia 7610b".

I then edited the MetaClasses.plist file and changed the identifier for the Nokia 7610 to "Nokia+Nokia 7610b" and viola, everything was peachy.

Finally...! I can carry around my contacts, something I haven't been able to do since my Palm died 2 years ago. Who would have guessed something so trivial would be so hard. I almost resorted to paper ;-)

Posted by vanevery at 03:18 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

May 27, 2005

Better than AppleScript

I recently had to hack together an AppleScript to batch process a bunch of QuickTime movies. I had quite a bit of difficulty because of my total unfamiliarity with AppleScript syntax.

Doing some searching I came across the following OSA (Open Scripting Architecture - the meat and potatoes behind AppleScript) components for languages that I know and like:

Perl: Mac::OSA

JavaScript: JavaScript for the Macintosh

O'Reilly Network: JavaScript and Mac OS

welcome to | scripting additions archive

Posted by vanevery at 08:03 PM | TrackBack

May 18, 2005

Java Embedding Plugin for Mac OS X

Java Embedding Plugin
Need to run those Java 1.4 apps in Firefox (or Camino and Mozilla) on the Mac.. Download this plugin..

Posted by vanevery at 06:25 PM | TrackBack

April 28, 2005

BluePhoneElite - Phone/Desktop integration with via Bluetooth

BluePhoneElite: About
BluePhoneElite was just launched:
Call Center, Incoming Call Alerts, SMS Center, SMS Chat, Proximity Behaviors, Address Book Integration and more...

Posted by vanevery at 03:51 PM | TrackBack

April 21, 2005

Yikes..!! Glad this isn't a problem on my system.

Java glitch hits OS X update | Tech News on ZDNet
Apple really needs to get it's act together. Between this and the QuickTime update engine not working period they are really frustrating me.

Posted by vanevery at 03:48 PM | TrackBack

April 19, 2005

iChat to SMS and back

iChat with my phone
brian d foy: I can use iChat to send SMS messages to my phone, and my phone can send an SMS message back to my iChat.

Posted by vanevery at 11:50 PM | TrackBack

March 31, 2005

SCP, SFTP and FTP for MacOS X

From the site:
Cyberduck is an open source SFTP (SSH Secure File Transfer) and FTP browser licenced under the GPL. It has been built from the ground up with usability in mind, having the same consistent graphical user interface for both SFTP and FTP browsing. Multiple connections are supported. Drag and drop is supported consequently for transferring files between server and client. A transfer queue keeps track of the pending file transfers and supports resuming of both downloads and uploads. Local files can be synchronized with files on the server. System technologies such as the Keychain, Rendezvous and AppleScript are supported. Cyberduck integrates seamlessly with external editors such as SubEthaEdit, BBEdit, TextMate and others.

Posted by vanevery at 06:39 PM | TrackBack

March 20, 2005

MIDP 2.0 on the Mac.. It works!!!

mpowerplayer sdk
From the site:
The mpowerplayer software developer kit includes the mpowerplayer as a standalone application. It's a pure Java emulator implementing MIDP 2.0 and MMAPI, suitable for integration with your favorite environment and IDE. Third-party integration efforts exist for Ant, Eclipse, Idea, and we hear of more efforts almost daily.
For OS X-based developers, the mpowerplayer sdk is your best (and only) option for MIDP 2.0 development and it includes Sun's preverify tool as a native executable.
The mpowerplayer sdk is a free download - we encourage you to use our emulator as a standard part of your tool chain to reduce your build/debug cycle as well as to ensure your content runs great on the mpowerplayer. Get it today.

I can verify that it works!!! Finally doing MIDP 2 programming on my Mac. Now all I need is Eclipse integration and I will be flying high.

Posted by vanevery at 11:56 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

March 06, 2005

Forget about Free Speech

Dan Gillmor on Grassroots Journalism, Etc.: The Gathering Storms Over Speech
Dan gives an overview of how Apple, recent legislation and politicians under corporate influence are doing everything and anything to take away our Freedom of Speech rights.
From the article:
We're moving toward a system under which only the folks who are deemed to be professionals will be granted the status of journalists, and thereby more rights than the rest of us. This is pernicious in every way.

Posted by vanevery at 02:34 PM | TrackBack

March 03, 2005

QuickTime; screen broadcasting

Nice.. Works as a QT source for any application.

Posted by vanevery at 10:24 PM | TrackBack

Elgato's EyeTV 500: HDTV the Mac Way

EFF: EFF's Review of Elgato's EyeTV 500
A nice review of the EyeTV from EFF.

Posted by vanevery at 10:20 PM | TrackBack


Ecamm Network: iChatUSBCam - Video Conference with iChat AV using a USB Webcam

Posted by vanevery at 09:57 PM | TrackBack

March 01, 2005

OVOLab has another hit here..

OVOLAB - RemoteTunes
Another impressive app from the folks at OVOLab. Remote control of iTunes...

Posted by vanevery at 11:32 PM | TrackBack

The Amoeba has done it again..

Rogue Amoeba - Airfoil for Mac OS X
From the site:
Airfoil lets you send any audio to remote speakers attached to your AirPort Express. AirPort Express - It's not just for iTunes anymore.

Posted by vanevery at 02:39 PM | TrackBack

February 24, 2005

Mac meets Telephone

OVOLAB - Phlink
Very nice application integrating voice mail, caller id, address book, faxes and more...

Posted by vanevery at 03:05 PM | TrackBack

February 03, 2005

Synch your Mac with PocketPC or MS Smartphone

PocketMac - The Original Mac-to-Pocket PC Sync Solution(TM)

Posted by vanevery at 11:44 PM | TrackBack

January 12, 2005

Forget the Mini-ITX, here's your new DIY set top box

Apple - Mac mini
Add in a wireless keyboard, mouse, S-Video or RCA video output, Mac PVR or EyeTV and perhaps an RSS/BitTorrent receiver and you are ready to go or shoudl I say, stay home and watch..

Posted by vanevery at 03:43 PM | TrackBack

December 22, 2004

Article from Apple about running MySQL on Mac OS X

MySQL on Mac OS X

Posted by vanevery at 11:40 AM | TrackBack

December 21, 2004

Make Windows Media on a Mac

Flip4Mac - Digital Media Tools for the Mac

Posted by vanevery at 04:56 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

December 17, 2004

Zend Studio, Zend Development Environment Personal Review

Zend, a great force in the world of PHP development has what I think is the only IDE for PHP related development. All in all I think this is great and I am glad that this company offers such a product. It certainly helps the PHP cause and probably drives adoption in the corporate world. It also has features that I am sure can't be found elsewhere in the PHP development world such as debugging with variable watching and break points and so on.

Unfortunately, (speaking as a MacOS X user) this software has not lived up to my expectations. It is just a bit too rough around the edges for me to get to the point where I am willing to try the more advanced features.

Here is a list of what is wrong which I will update as find problems:

  • The pop-up menus that are shown when launching the program (Auto-Update and Tip of the Day) have checkboxes which seem to allow you to choose whether or not you would like the program continue showing them, or not. Unfortunately, no matter what I do, they always show.

  • I am unable to create a new file by choosing the File::New File command. The only way I am able to create a new file is by pressing the new file icon at the top of the IDE.

  • I am unable to save a project file of any sort. This causes me to have to reload each and every file in a project each and every time I start the program to work on that project.

  • The application does not maintain it's appearance settings. The windows that I have hidden are back each time I launch. Not a program that I am happy about quitting and starting up again.
  • Of course the program has many good points as well. The syntax highlighting is great. The error underlining as you code is very worthwhile and the command completetion is great.

    Overall, it seems to be beta quality software on the Mac. I may continue to use the free version (despite the ugly messages about not being able to do things in this version) but unless the edges are more polished, I can't justify paying more than $200.

    Posted by vanevery at 01:17 AM | TrackBack

    December 13, 2004

    Some fun with FM and your Mac Hacking Radio on the Mac
    Features a couple of low-cost audio editing apps, the Griffin RadioShark and the Griffin RoadTrip.
    The comments list some notable ommisions: Audio Hijack (record from any source, including the computer), (TiVo for Radio) and Audacity (open source audio capture, editing and encoding)
    More are sure to come.. Ahh the power of the blog..

    Posted by vanevery at 01:55 AM | TrackBack

    December 02, 2004

    Nice overview on getting setup to do web development on Mac OS X

    CGI Programming With Apache and Perl on Mac OS X

    Posted by vanevery at 01:15 PM | TrackBack

    December 01, 2004

    Asterisk is available for the Mac

    Apple - Downloads - UNIX & Open Source - Asterisk install package for Mac OS X CVS 10-28-03
    The Open Source PBX (Voicemail, VoIP, Voice Response and all the rest) comes to the Mac complete with AppleScripts.

    Posted by vanevery at 08:49 AM | TrackBack

    November 22, 2004

    Nice looking RSS reader for the Mac

    NewsFire. Mac RSS with Style.
    Trying it out now..

    Posted by vanevery at 02:54 PM | TrackBack

    November 03, 2004

    Remote control of your Mac through Bluetooth

    Salling Software

    Posted by vanevery at 03:33 PM | TrackBack

    October 19, 2004

    Mount and work with Linux filesystems on OS X Project Info - Mac OS X Ext2 Filesystem

    Posted by vanevery at 05:10 PM | TrackBack

    September 22, 2004

    Bye bye LaunchBar, Hello QuickSilver


    Posted by vanevery at 07:20 PM | TrackBack

    September 20, 2004

    Encode Windows Media on the Mac

    Windows Media Format for Mac
    Doesn't Cleaner do this? This seems to integrate with QuickTime and therefore it's capabilities should be available in any QuickTime app. This would be better than only being able to use Cleaner. Anyone have experience with it?

    Posted by vanevery at 10:35 AM | TrackBack

    August 13, 2004

    TV Studio in a box (or should I say laptop)

    Live Channel Features
    Interesting product with some very nice features. Live Streaming, TV type output, picture in picture, effect, transistions and so on..

    A competitor would be Wirecast which seems to match it feature wise.

    Posted by vanevery at 12:51 AM | TrackBack

    June 16, 2004

    Running a G4 Laptop with the lid closed

    macosxhints - Run newer PowerBooks with the lid closed

    Posted by vanevery at 12:35 AM | TrackBack

    May 31, 2004

    Record that audio

    Ambrosia Software, Inc. -- utilities/freebies
    From the makers of Snapz Pro X screen recorder software.
    This explains it all:
    WireTap is a free product for MacOS X 10.2 or later that allows you to record any audio playing on your Mac, saving it to a file for later listening or processing. This allows you to record news from Internet radio stations such as the BBC News, sound snippets from your favorite DVD movie, record the audio from a game, or even iChatAV conversations.
    WireTap works using a simple tape recorder-like interface. Simply click the record button, and any audio playing through your Mac will be recorded to disk. WireTap can record any sound that is playing regardless of the source, so RealPlayer, iTunes, DVD Player, Windows Media Player, etc. are all supported.

    Posted by vanevery at 06:43 PM | TrackBack

    PPC emulation - MacOS X on a PC

    PearPC - PowerPC Architecture Emulator

    Posted by vanevery at 06:27 PM | TrackBack

    Making MacOS X into a Kiosk - Documentation

    Posted by vanevery at 06:23 PM | TrackBack

    April 25, 2004

    Real encoding on OS X

    Streaming Media, Inc.
    Nothing for live streaming as far as I can tell but a step in the right direction. It has been a couple of years for Real on the Mac (not including third party encoding solutions such as Cleaner).
    From the article:
    RealNetworks, Inc. (Nasdaq: RNWK), today unveiled a beta version of its new Real 10 Export Plug-in for Mac OS X. The Real 10 Export Plug-in enables video editors for the first time to export high-quality RealAudio 10 and RealVideo 10 formats directly from Apple Final Cut Pro, Adobe After Effects, Avid Xpress Pro and more. Support for additional applications, including Adobe Premiere and Discreet Cleaner is expected this summer.

    Posted by vanevery at 01:08 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

    April 17, 2004

    Simple volume operated recording

    Pandaa makes a simple audio recording application that allows for scheduling and volume operated recording (VOX). Freeware..

    Thanks to Evan for the link.

    Posted by vanevery at 04:01 PM | TrackBack

    April 14, 2004

    RsyncX - rsync for MacOS X - Documentation
    Not that the original doesn't work, this just adds a GUI and better support for the filesystem. Oh, yeah, rsync is a nice backup and synchronization utility.

    Posted by vanevery at 12:01 PM | TrackBack

    April 07, 2004

    What else can you do with that iSight? More iSight Video Tricks [Sep. 23, 2003]
    Good article exploring some nice Quicktime based software which works well with the iSight.
    Interesting to note that the iSight is an IIDC camera and therefore it will work with a wide variety of software that supports IIDC. One example that comes to mind is Coriander for Linux.

    Posted by vanevery at 06:32 PM | TrackBack

    Package all those nice *nix utilities for MacOS X Project details for Fink
    The Fink project wants to bring the full world of Unix Open Source software to Darwin and Mac OS X. It modifies Unix software so that it compiles and runs on Mac OS X and makes it available for download as a coherent distribution.

    Posted by vanevery at 05:57 PM | TrackBack

    April 06, 2004

    Open Source QuickTime for Objective C effort Project Info - QTKit
    From the site:
    Tired of waiting for Apple to really support QuickTime in Cocoa? QTKit is a project by and for Cocoa developers to provide full access to QuickTime from ObjC.

    Somewhat similar to a project that I am involved in, OpenQTJ. In response to Apple's lame current QuickTime for Java build. Oh yeah, visit for more.

    Posted by vanevery at 01:55 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

    April 04, 2004

    Better touching

    Raging Menace - SideTrack
    From the site:
    SideTrack is a replacement driver for the trackpad (touchpad) found on Apple PowerBooks and iBooks. It brings many of the advanced trackpad features found on Windows laptops to MacOS X.

    Posted by vanevery at 06:53 PM | TrackBack

    April 01, 2004

    Packaging Java apps for MacOS X

    Bringing your Java Application to Mac OS X

    Posted by vanevery at 11:48 PM | TrackBack

    March 31, 2004

    Posix for Java

    Free Software by Gregory Guerin
    From the description:
    Imagine that you could catch signals, raise resource-limits, get mounted file-system info, manipulate file modes, or change effective user ID from Java. Imagine that many of the other interesting and useful POSIX system-calls were also accessible from Java. Imagine that they were organized in an easily understood and usable class library, which could be implemented for different platforms yet still be used transparently by any API-conforming user program.
    Stop imagining and start downloading, because that's what this class library does. It includes a working implementation for Mac OS X, but anyone with moderate JNI and Unix experience can create an implementation for other Unix platforms. It's even possible to create implementations for non-Unix platforms, such as that operating system whose name starts with 'Wind'.

    Posted by vanevery at 01:08 AM | TrackBack

    March 29, 2004

    Wrapping it all up...

    ffmpegX a VCD, SVCD, CVD, VOB, DivX, XviD encoder for Mac OSX
    Wraps all those nice Open Source audio and video encoders and players for MacOS X.
    From the site:
    ffmpegX is a Mac OS X graphic user interface designed to easily operate more than 20 powerful Unix open-source video and audio processing tools including ffmpeg the "hyper fast video and audio encoder" (, mpeg2enc the open-source mpeg-2 encoder and multiplexer ( and mencoder the mpeg-4 encoder with subtitles support (

    Posted by vanevery at 01:02 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

    March 26, 2004

    Better Mac Sound Preferences/Control Panel

    Alain CRETET Software
    From the site
    BetterSound is a Mac OS X audio preference panel, offering some extra features in sound control management.
    BetterSound allows you to see all audio input and output controls at a glance in one panel.
    With a powerful peakmeter, mutes and levels management, you can control easily all your audio devices.

    Thanks Hans

    Posted by vanevery at 03:51 AM | TrackBack

    March 25, 2004

    The powerbooks are taking over

    Streaming Media, Inc.
    From the release:
    The key features of the Streambox ACT-L3 Portable Video Transport System are:
    -Real-time compression of 1/2 D1 (352x480i) interlaced video 30 fps on a PowerBook G4 with a 1.25 Ghz CPU or higher. The system supports full D1 resolution at 15 fps and higher.
    -The ACT-L3 Codec produces high quality video transmissions at data rates as low as 64 kbps and higher over IP, sat-phones, 802.11 and 3G wireless networks. Optimal full resolution broadcast quality is available with IP satellite systems or land-based DSL lines.
    -Live DV Video capture from camera via Firewire input.
    -Works seamlessly with existing NLE editing software such as Apple’s Final Cut Pro.™
    -Advanced Forward Error Correction technology recovers and cancels packet loss and overcomes jitter and buffering.
    -Bandwidth shaping technology controls and prevents video overflow at satellites, routers and network switches for smooth video delivery.

    Posted by vanevery at 02:41 AM | TrackBack

    March 09, 2004

    Mac TV, Video and Radio Capture Card

    AlchemyTV - TV Tuner and Video capture PCI card for your PowerMac
    Looks like a nice uncompressed video capture card for the Mac. The TV PVR and radio capabilities are a nice bonus.

    Posted by vanevery at 02:28 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

    March 07, 2004

    David's notes on using JNI with various Unix systems (including MacOS X)

    Some Notes on Using JNI

    Posted by vanevery at 07:21 PM | TrackBack

    February 29, 2004

    MacOS X Bugs (this guy)

    Matthew Thomas » My first 48 hours enduring Mac OS X
    I just like the last line:
    Mac OS X is like Sir Winston Churchill’s description of democracy: the worst possible system, except for all the others

    Thanks Alex

    Posted by vanevery at 02:06 AM | TrackBack

    February 20, 2004

    Java, JNI, Firewire Camera Capture for MacOS

    programs by A. Daerr

    FWCamAkiz allows image sequence acquisition from a FireWire camera compatible with the IIDC standard, on an Apple computer running MacOS 10.1.5 or above. FWCamAkiz provides:
    a Java Native Interface (JNI) library handling the camera

    a Java class interfacing with this library

    a plugin for the free image manipulation software ImageJ by Wayne Rasband which allows comfortable acquisition with multiple timing options from within ImageJ, live preview and color conversion from raw image data.

    Posted by vanevery at 03:02 AM | TrackBack

    February 14, 2004

    Put a GUI on that script

    Research Systems Unix Group: iHook

    iHook - a graphical interface designed as a frontend for commandline executables.

    Posted by vanevery at 04:44 AM | TrackBack

    February 13, 2004

    Text to Speech - File (put it on your iPod)

    codepoetry :: projects :: Text Reader
    From the site:
    All I wanted was a program that took a text file and saved it to an audio file for my iPod. All I could find were programs I had to pay for to do this simple task that can be accomplished in one line of AppleScript. That's silly. So, I wrote a very simple program to do this and more.

    Posted by vanevery at 11:42 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

    February 12, 2004

    WINE for Darwin and Mac OS X

    Darwine: News

    Use Wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator) to run Windows applications on Darwin and Mac OS X.

    Posted by vanevery at 12:24 PM | TrackBack

    Amazing collaborative text editor


    From the site:
    With SubEthaEdit you can. The idea of collaborative editing has been researched for years, with notable results. But now for the first time it has been implemented in a way you actually want to use: A sophisticated technique allows all users to type anywhere in the text without locking parts of the text for other users, making SubEthaEdit just as easy to use as a traditional text editor

    Posted by vanevery at 12:19 PM | TrackBack

    February 10, 2004

    Send from Localhost on Panther

    chaotic intransient prose bursts: Panther Tips (1): Running SMTP
    From the site:
    turning on Panther's SMTP server. SMTP is for sending email. I like sending email via the localhost, just because I can. In earlier system versions, it meant turning on Sendmail, but Apple has dropped Sendmail in favor of Postfix. Postfix is arguably easier to configure and a little

    Posted by vanevery at 03:01 PM

    Compression engine for the Mac

    P O P W I R E
    From the site:
    Popwire announces the release of its new Compression Master 2.2, an unrivalled Mac OS X-based encoder. This state-of-the-art desktop encoder is perfect for Broadcasting companies, Media houses, ISPs, and Mobile operators with the need to provide high-quality content in multiple bit rates.

    Posted by vanevery at 02:07 PM

    iTunes issues on OS X with multiple users

    raelity bytes :: /computers/operating_systems/apple/mac_os_x/apps/itunes_single_instance.html
    Rael hits it on the head, this the probably that we have at home ever since switching from a single user install to two on our media machine. Please Apple fix it (oh yeah, same trouble with iPhoto).

    From Rael's write-up:
    It's silly enough that I can share my tunes across my home network yet I can't share them with someone on the same machine. Despite keeping all my music in /Macintosh HD/Users/Shared/Music, I still have to wander from account to account adding each new CD or iTunes Music Store purchase to each user's library just so that we can share _our_ (defined in the strictest sense) music. Surely your iTunes library on the local machine should show up in my iTunes window just like any other network-shared iTunes library?

    Posted by vanevery at 11:58 AM

    February 09, 2004

    Did anyone apply for the job?

    Video iPod? - The Unofficial Apple Weblog -

    The "video iPod"? romor has been floating around for a while so until they go on sale it’s all still speculation. This ZDNet story talk about some of the reasoning behind the rumors, and what might come of them, and when.

    Posted by vanevery at 09:55 PM

    IRC on the Mac

    X-Chat Aqua is a MacOS X IRC client. If you are familiar with XChat for UNIX/GTK /X Windows, then you will be at home with X-Chat Aqua. X-Chat Aqua uses the IRC engine from XChat and has been designed to look and feel like XChat.

    Posted by vanevery at 03:11 PM

    February 06, 2004

    AIM and iChat AV, Interoperable with VIDEO

    AIM Video Debuts, Links to iChat

    America Online (Quote, Chart) has officially taken the wraps off the new version of its AOL Instant Messenger application, with its much -anticipated video IM feature -- and the surprise addition of compatibility with Apple Computer's (Quote, Chart) iChat AV.

    Posted by vanevery at 10:00 PM

    Java and the Mac, a match made in heaven. -- Online Catalog: Mac OS X for Java Geeks
    From the Description:
    Mac OS X for Java Geeks delivers a complete and detailed look at the Mac OS X platform, geared specifically at Java developers. Programmers using the 10.2 (Jaguar) release of Mac OS X, and the new JDK 1.4, have unprecedented new functionality available to them. Whether you are a Java newbie, working your way through Java Swing and classpath issues, or you are a Java guru, comfortable with digital media, reflection, and J2EE, this book will teach you how to get around on Mac OS X. You'll also get the latest information on how to build applications that run seamlessly, and identically, on Windows, Linux, Unix, and the Mac.

    I'll get this book if they update it for Panther and XCode and if the sample chapter (QT4Java) is still valid after all of the recent changes that Apple has made.

    Posted by vanevery at 09:18 PM

    February 05, 2004

    Chris Adamason gets us started with JOGL

    Jumping into JOGL

    reference implementation of the Java/OpenGL binding is hosted on as the JOGL project. This article will get you up and running with JOGL by describing:

    How to download and provision the JOGL library files.

    How to create a JOGL-powered AWT component that's wired up to receive and respond to events such as size changes and repaint requests.

    How to do 2D graphics in JOGL with simple graphic primitives and images.

    Posted by vanevery at 12:59 AM

    February 03, 2004

    Mac Dev Book, Online

    Project:Omega - Books - Developers Books - Mac OS X - version 10.3 : Panther for developers

    Welcome to Mac OS X v10.3: Panther for developers.

    This guide tries to summarize and gather in one single document everything you should know in order to get started with Mac OS X v10.3. It will help you discover all the new features, applications and APIs added to Panther.

    Once you have had this overview, you should be ready to pick the best technologies (those which suits the best your needs, in fact) and get more in-depth help and documentation through Apple's Developer Site ( and Xcode.

    Posted by vanevery at 12:55 AM

    January 31, 2004

    Open Source WiFi Stumbler for the Mac - KisMAC

    KisMAC is a free stumbler application for MacOS X, that puts your card into the monitor mode. Unlike most other applications for OS X we are completely invisible and send no probe requests.

    Another Open Mac Stumbler is: Mac Stumbler

    I have also been told about: iStumbler

    Posted by vanevery at 04:45 PM

    January 27, 2004

    J2ME on the Mac

    raelity bytes

    MIDP on Mac OS X

    Posted by vanevery at 02:47 PM

    Java Extras on MacOS X

    Developer - Frequently Asked Questions

    Answer Q's such as how do I get serial working with Java and can I do J2ME programming on the Mac?

    From the site:
    Welcome to the Mac OS X Java Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for developers. This page is intended to provide answers to frequently asked questions about the direction and current features of Java on Mac OS X, as well as common development questions and problems. Due to the high volume of email we receive, we cannot respond to every question or suggestion, but we are interested in what you have to say. If after reading the Java Developer FAQ, you still have a question, please contact us.

    Posted by vanevery at 11:39 AM

    January 25, 2004

    Audio Stream Recording

    Rogue Amoeba - Good Software With A Bad Attitude!
    For MacOS X..

    Windows users see this:

    Posted by vanevery at 03:44 PM

    January 24, 2004

    Run MacOS X on old hardware


    Welcome to the development site for XPostFacto, the software that permits you to install Mac OS X on certain unsupported systems.

    Posted by vanevery at 03:14 PM

    We all like to stop motion and compress time

    iStopMotion - Welcome to iStopMotion

    iStopMotion is the ideal supplement for your Digital Hub. Used by educators, professional and amateur film makers all over the world to create astonishing work, iStopMotion is the tool of choice for Stop Motion Animation (aka. Claymation) and Time Lapse Recording.

    Posted by vanevery at 03:46 AM

    January 21, 2004

    Share your calendar (iCal style)

    iCal Exchange

    The iCal Exchange was created to give the Internet community an easy way to publish their calendars using the built-in "Publish to a web server" mechanism.

    Thanks to Mr. Sharon for the link.

    Posted by vanevery at 12:59 PM

    January 19, 2004

    Video games with motion tracking... Nice.

    :: TOYSIGHT ::

    Toysight is set of cool games and toys to play using your iSight‚Ñ¢ or similar firewire camera.
    Using a system of object and motion detection to track your position, Toysight allows you to control buttons, sliders and perform gestures on the screen, putting you right in the action!

    Posted by vanevery at 03:11 AM

    January 18, 2004

    Apple's Image Processing Library

    Optimizing Image Processing With vImage

    From the site:
    vImage is Appleís image processing framework. It includes high-level functions for image manipulationóconvolutions, geometric transformations, histogram operations, morphological transformations, and alpha compositingóas well as utility functions for format conversions and other operations.

    Posted by vanevery at 11:59 PM

    January 13, 2004

    Getting started with video processing..

    Introduction to VideoScript
    From the site:
    VideoScript is the perfect tool for getting started with Digital Video processing. Designed for educational and home use, VideoScript is still powerful enough to log visitors, analyze movie files, track objects and make time & motion-lapse movies.

    Posted by vanevery at 06:25 AM

    Capture QuickTime on your PC

    Welcome to Makers of QuickTime Video Digitizer Components for MacOS, MacOS X and Windows.

    Posted by vanevery at 06:18 AM

    January 11, 2004

    Getting NAT to work on MacOS X Server (10.3, Panther)

    O'Reilly Network: Squeezing NAT Out of Panther Server [Nov. 25, 2003]

    Unfortunately this didn't work for me during a recent gig.. Anyone else have better luck?

    Posted by vanevery at 04:48 PM | Comments (1)

    January 02, 2004

    SCP and SFTP for Mac

    Research Systems Unix Group: Fugu

    Fugu - A Mac OS X SFTP, SCP and SSH Frontend.

    Posted by vanevery at 08:41 PM

    December 16, 2003

    The longest line I have ever seen!

    Apple Store Japan

    Posted by vanevery at 02:50 AM

    November 19, 2003

    Java 3D Coming to the Mac..?!

    Think Secret - Apple previews Java 3D, Advanced Imaging APIs

    From the site:
    On Thursday, Apple seeded "Developer Preview 1" of Java 3D and Java Advanced Imaging to developers. Both are APIs that extend the Java platform.

    Posted by vanevery at 03:38 AM

    QuickTime for Java Returns from the dead The Return of the Blue Q [Oct. 29, 2003]

    With the release of QuickTime 6.4 for Windows and Mac OS X, QTJ has a future again.

    Posted by vanevery at 02:35 AM

    November 06, 2003

    Free Mac Fonts

    Free Mac Fonts - Download Macintosh Fonts
    From the site:
    Free Mac Fonts first opened its doors in December 2002 and has since grown to become the most popular pure free mac fonts archive online. We now receive over 3,000 visitors daily and we have been visited by over 1,000,000 visitors since 2002. More that 10,000,000 free mac fonts have been download since 2002. We want to thank you all for your continued support.

    Posted by vanevery at 03:23 PM

    See the cover art..

    Clutter by Sprote Rsrch.

    From the site:
    Clutter is a small Mac OS X application that lets you put music CDs on your desktop. You can drag them anywhere -- they're really windows. Line them up neatly or put them in piles, it's your choice. Each one looks like the real CD's cover, and double-clicking it tells iTunes to play that CD.

    Posted by vanevery at 03:09 PM

    October 30, 2003

    What is Apple missing in the iLife software

    Jim Roepcke's weblog: Blogging the O'Reilly Conference Keynote

    Posted by vanevery at 01:14 AM

    October 19, 2003

    The power of Root

    OSXFAQ - Technical News and Support for Mac OS X

    Posted by vanevery at 12:36 AM

    Everybody raves about this

    LaunchBar for Mac OS X

    Posted by vanevery at 12:32 AM

    October 17, 2003

    Apple Releases a new iTunes for Mac and PC

    Apple - iTunes

    Unfortunately I can not give this a trial run as of yet because I am told that it installs a new version of QuickTime (6.4) and QuickTime for Java that is incompatable with some of my current development work.

    Support for Java 1.4.1 in QuickTime for Java is being delivered as part of QuickTime 6.4 on Windows and Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther). Support for QTJava with J2SE 1.4.1 on Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) is coming soon.

    Waiting for more information.

    Posted by vanevery at 11:02 AM

    October 15, 2003

    Mac Repair Shop

    Digital Society - Your Apple Specialist

    Haven't been here but it comes highly recommended. Anyone have comparisons with Tekserve?

    Posted by vanevery at 12:50 PM

    Wired News

    Wired News

    News and articles concerning just about everything I care about.. Hard to imagine the world without Wired.

    Posted by vanevery at 12:40 PM

    NYC's Famous Mac Repair Shop

    Welcome to Tekserve

    Posted by vanevery at 11:48 AM

    October 13, 2003

    Usenet News Reader and more..

    Thoth Software

    Mark tells me he likes the Thoth reader the best so I am checking it out. They also make decoder/file utility program and a multimedia viewer.

    Posted by vanevery at 05:23 PM

    October 10, 2003

    Circuit Design for MacOS X

    DesignWorks Lite for Power Macintosh and iMac

    DesignWorks Lite Now Available for Mac OS X!

    Posted by vanevery at 12:25 AM

    October 06, 2003

    New QT4Java Book Coming Soon Books: QuickTime for Java: A Programmer's Guide to Building Multimedia Applications with Java, Second Edition (QuickTime Developer)

    Posted by vanevery at 11:50 PM

    QT4Java Article from O'Reilly A Gentle Re-Introduction to QuickTime for Java [May. 14, 2003]

    "A Gentle Re-Introduction to QuickTime for Java"

    Posted by vanevery at 10:38 PM

    October 05, 2003

    MacOS X Package Deletion

    How to Delete OS X Installer Packages

    Posted by vanevery at 03:33 PM

    MacOS X Circuit Learning Software

    Praeter Software - Circuit Aid: Mesh Circuit Simulation

    Posted by vanevery at 03:31 PM