We are proud to announce the release of a new version of our video comments wordpress plugin.

John has been hard at work and just finished this up last night.

Here are some new features you can expect:

1: A GUI interface inside the WP administrative screens for posting. AWESOME!

2: Revised comment display on the main post page. Now the timecode is hyperlinked and will bring up the plugin and seek the appropriate place in the video. DOUBLE COOL!

3: The ability to put a thumbnail or your own text in the post for launching the player. PERFECT!

4: A couple of random bug fixes.. GREAT!

Head on over to: http://itp.nyu.edu/research/vc/ to download it.

Remember, this is beta software and any and all bug reports, requests and especially enhancements are appreciated.

Shawn, John and the rest of the crew..