ITP Projects at ETel

This past week, 7 ITP students and myself headed to San Francisco to attend O’Reilly’s ETel conference. The students were demoing their projects at the ETel Fair. The demos definitely created a buzz around the place:

Jim Van Meggelen and Brady Forrest wrote a couple of nice blog posts summing up the projects: ETel Coverage: The Future of Telephony – O’Reilly Emerging Telephony and O’Reilly Radar > Fun with Asterisk at the Etel Faire

If anyone is interested, most of these projects came out of my course at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program, Redial: Interactive Telephony.

More projects from the class can be found on ITP’s show website by searching for Redial

Last, I would like to offer on behalf of the students and myself, a big thanks to the organizers of the conference and O’Reilly in general for inviting us and congratulations on the event.