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March 24, 2006

Cingular jumps on the VOD bandwagon

PDAStreet: News: Cingular Debuts Video-on-Demand Service
More mobile networks launching VOD. You probably know my feelings about these services by now..

I love how most articles about this have the obligatory statement about consumers less than enthusiastic response:
"But are consumers ready to watch mobile video and TV on their small handset screens? According to a new RBC Capital Markets survey of 1,001 Americans, perhaps they aren’t. The RBC study found that three-quarters of those surveyed weren't interested in watching TV programs or movies on their mobile device, let alone using a cell phone for music even."

Even better is the confusion over plans and pricing:
"It is not to be confused with Cingular's MobiTV-run television offering, which delivers live television broadcasts over the operator's standard 2.5G or EDGE network - 70 to 135kbps. MobiTV costs $9.99 per month and requires a data plan, ranging in price from $4.99 for 1 MB to $19.99 unlimited.

The new service is free to Cingular customers with an unlimited $19.99 per month Broadband Connect plan, which also includes all-you-can-eat messaging and image sharing. As a premium offering, the HBO channel costs an extra $4.99 per month."

Posted by vanevery at 12:18 AM

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