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March 21, 2005

Apple and HD TV Network Rumors

Mac OS Rumors :: The Original Mac Rumor Site.

What might even be more interesting is this paragraph:
"These days more than ever we value the relationships we have with our sources and never encourage anyone to break an NDA or other legal obligation. We certainly don't offer any enticement, financial or otherwise, for information. Because of the sensitivity of Apple's projects in the HDVN arena we are very intentionally working from non-"insider" reports and everything we know can be turned up without resorting to NDA-breaking by anyone who looks in the right places...."

A direct plea for Apple not to sue them this time..? A lot of Apple fans are upset, including me, about the recent court case that has Apple arguing that web site publishers are not journalists and shouldn't have the same protections. Hog wash (only stronger).

Posted by vanevery at 04:36 PM

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