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December 07, 2004

BeyondTV - Keeping my eye on this one!

BeyondTV: BeyondTV - An offline internet TV project

This is an undercurrents project to create a real alternative to the centralization of media by narrow corporate power. Its not an Indymedia project as quality control is too much of an issues- TV with out quality control is not open to normal people to watch. Most activist media is made for a tiny minority of popule and is un-intelligible/un-whatebal outside this minority.

The project will work in a number of stages the first being a functional full screen activist TV channel, based on MPG1 and MPG4 content from the current archive of ruffcuts and euro/US Indymedia newsreal CD‚Äôs (we have over 20 hour of programming encoded and access to at least another 20 hours). Secondly stage we add ‚Äúautomatic functionality‚Ä? and some user input into viewing choices. Third stage a re-write to create a decentralized user rated P2P universal TV network when we have good experiences of the idea working in a practical way. I feel it is paramount that we start at the beginning using simple, thus reliable, tools and techniques.

Posted by vanevery at 01:41 AM

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