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April 07, 2004

Real, no longer evil..?

Russell Beattie Notebook
Russell makes some good points about how Real is starting to change it's game. Here is an interesting snippet:
But check it out! Funnily enough, in addition to 3GP support, Real has added TiVo-like cacheing to the new player as well! I was listening to KQED at work today, and I paused the station while I did something else, and when I came back and hit play, I expected Real to re-buffer as normal and grab the latest from the stream. But nope, it had been cacheing the stream the entire time and I was able to go back and forth through the recorded audio and didn't miss a thing. VERY COOL.

Posted by vanevery at 11:10 AM

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» Real, no longer evil..? from unmediated
Russell Beattie Notebook Russell makes some good points about how Real is starting to change it's game. Here is an interesting snippet: But check it out! Funnily enough, in addition to 3GP support, Real has added TiVo-like cacheing to the new player as... [Read More]

Tracked on April 7, 2004 12:44 PM