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January 07, 2004

Digital Radio Broadcasts begin

Wired News: Radio Ready to Go Digital

Not much about this in the media or anywhere else for that matter. Read about iBiquity some time ago, seems interesting but I don't quite understand why the FCC choose a product from a single vendor instead of an open standard for this. Can someone fill me in?

From the article:
Digital radio has been used for several years in Canada, Israel and parts of Europe. In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission voted in October 2002 to adopt iBiquity's technology as the standard for digital broadcasts, and allowed radio stations to begin broadcasting digital signals in addition to traditional analog signals.
Stations eventually will be able to broadcast two separate FM programs on one channel simultaneously, thereby offering customers more programming options. Listeners also will be able to save their favorite tunes and programs and replay them when they want.

Posted by vanevery at 04:35 PM